
Mario Pierobon delves into Crew Resource Management (CRM) implementation in Business Aviation flight departments across a series of articles. CRM training, aimed at enhancing pilotsknowledge and skills related to human performance, emphasizes effective crew coordination alongside technical competence to ensure safe and efficient operations within the cockpit. To learn more about business aviation crew


充分利用 FBO 成本节省的技巧

通过选择 FBO 节省成本 (固定基地运营商) 商务飞机比更便宜的选择更省钱. 与 FBO 建立关系可以更好地进行定价谈判, 并了解可用的折扣, 例如燃料计划, 可以降低成本. 与 FBO 的开放沟通促进互利安排. 选择固定基地运营商 (FBO) 时应考虑除定价之外的其他因素,以实现无缝连接…
