Exterior of a Pilatus for Sale

Quando você está comprando uma aeronave particular, pela primeira vez ou para adicionar à sua coleção, Quatro melhores. É por isso que selecionar a aeronave particular certa para atender às suas necessidades é tão importante.

Assim como comprar uma casa, your new private aircraft needs to check all of your boxes in order to fit well into your lifestyle!

Known for its economy, conforto, and versatility, the PC-24 Pilatus is an extremely versatile, private aircraft choice, that makes for an ideal fit for many different buyers.

Here is why the Pilatus for sale is such a popular private aircraft option:

  • Off-Road-Capabilities

Exterior de um Pilatus para vendaThis Pilatus jet is known for its off-roader ability to land on almost any terrain including pavement, grama, or even unpaved gravel.

  • Fully Customizable

One of the most attractive features of the PC-24 Pilatus is its ability to reconfigure while in flight. If you need more space while you’re in the air, no problem, just move your cabin around so you can get the space you need.

  • Advanced Features

Desde a sua criação em 2018, the PC-24 has been known as the most advanced and versatile light jet on the market! Com uma gama de 2,035 nautical miles and cruise speeds of 500 milhas por hora, you can get where you need to go quickly in luxury and style!

At CFS Jets we have an impressive PC-24 Pilatus for sale. Talvez você tenha passado horas online procurando o King Air certo à venda, we help you get the most from your private jet investment by going above and beyond to ensure your satisfaction during each step of the acquisitions process. From contracting, due diligence, to pre-purchase inspections and more, we make the process of national and international aircraft sales and acquisitions hassle-free for all parties involved.

Desde 1984 we have been the number one choice for private aircraft transactions for an international clientele. Our team is not only highly trained, but passionate about helping our clients get the most from their investments, whether they are buying, venda, or leasing. Contate-Nos today to learn more about our Pilatus for sale and other aircraft options!